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Monday, 16 December 2013

The Whisper of God: A 52-week devotional to take you through the year and encourage you to see God in the ordinary.

52 week devotional to encourage you to see God in the ordinary. Several years ago, I started writing down all the amazing ways God used my day to day activities, children, family, friends and nature to teach me. The more I wrote, the more I noticed God in my daily life. It became an exercise of the heart and grew my relationship with Christ in a way I had never experienced. I began to hear God whisper to my heart His desires and lessons for me. I hope that reading some of my stories will encourage you stop and listen for His whisper in your life!


Allison is a trained Stephen Minister with an undergraduate degree in psychology. She facilitates several bible studies and blogs at She is also the wife of a wonderful man who loves her for who she is, a mother of two adorable gifts from God, a daughter, sister, friend and "GodChick." Most of all, she is a child of God who is trying to discern His voice in her everyday life and live in a way that blesses those around her.

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The Whisper of God: A 52-week devotional to take you through the year and encourage you to see God in the ordinary.

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